
拍一张数码照片,给专家发电子邮件. This website lists several participating organizations that will be able to assist you in plant identification. 此外,一定要注意该地区还有哪些其他种类的成熟草.


有两种主要方法可以有效地根除黄草. If 50% or more of the plant is green, herbicides can be used to kill the plant. 除草剂只对植物活跃生长的细胞起作用, 因此,当你喷洒它时,它必须是绿色的. 如果不到50%的植物是绿色的,人工清除是最好的方法.


Plants must be green and actively growing for herbicides to be effective; this can happen anytime between February and November when rains are good. Glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup®) can be very effective at killing buffelgrass. Follow the label 方向; for very green plants a 2% solution works well, 随着植物变干,浓度越高效果越好. Spray enough chemical on the plants to coat all the leaves, but not so much that it runs off. Adding a dye to the chemical solution can help you to avoid spraying non-target species and ensure you do not miss plants or spray them twice.


割草不是一种有效的控制方法. It is always good to check for snakes before reaching into the grass to remove it from the soil. A digging tool is needed to loosen the soil around the plant so that it can be pulled up without leaving roots and leaf bases behind; if any part of the root ball is left behind it will resprout. 土条(a).k.a., caliche bars, digging bars, rock picks) work well for loosening plants from the soil. Wedge the soil bar point into soil at the base of the plant at an angle; push down on the soil bar to lever the plant out of the ground. 岩石可用作支点,以提供更大的杠杆作用. Shake dirt off of the roots and place in a heavy duty trash bag for disposal.


Place plants that are pulled up into heavy duty trash bags and place with other trash items to be collected by the city.

Reseeding areas cleared of buffelgrass is generally not necessary for several reasons. 第一个, it is simply too dry in the Tucson Basin to achieve reliable emergence and survival from seed in most years unless supplemental irrigation is used. Native species typically establish episodically in rare years of above average rainfall. 其次, native seed is not subject to the same purity and germination regulations as crop seed, 而且经常会被入侵物种和其他不受欢迎的物种污染. 最后, seeds generally require good soil 联系 for successful emergence and usually this means some form of soil disturbance (such as tillage), 是什么促成了像水牛草这样不受欢迎的物种的入侵. 因此, by spreading native seeds from commercially available packets in newly cleared areas you may inadvertently be spreading other 'problem' species.

Maintaining a buffelgrass-free area requires the regular removal of non desirable plants. 建立本地并不能阻止入侵草的再次入侵. 只要有源种群存在, it takes continued maintenance to keep the invasive grasses from re-infesting cleared areas. If there are other reasons for establishing native vegetation (such as in a landscape setting), then container stock planted in the cool season and given supplemental water through the first summer is usually effective. This is the most reliable way to establish native plants to achieve appropriate densities and species palettes. 来自当地托儿所的建议, 您的合作推广代理, 或者亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐也会有所帮助.

保持你所在的区域没有水牛草,就像你在灭火一样. 通知皮马县环境质量部, 图森市社区资源部门, 亚利桑那州农业部, or a similar regulatory entity that you are concerned with the neighboring environmental nuisance to your property.

No. The time you spend removing the individual seedheads from the plant is much better spent removing the plant itself.

成熟时:平原鬃草(Setaria macrostachya), 阴道草(Pappophorum vaginatum), 亚历桑那州棉花, 和缠结头(Heteropogon tortortus) 幼苗时:一年生panicum spp.)、墨西哥散花草(Leptochloa filformis)

Only if you vigilantly watch for (and quickly remove) seedlings in your compost area and in your garden afterwards! 这不是推荐的处理水牛草的方法, and you should only consider this disposal method if used with extreme caution!

不. 索诺兰沙漠没有原生食草动物. 牛将吃到绿的牛蹄草, but have difficulty reaching it on steep slopes where the populations tend to start out. Jackrabbits have occasionally been seen gnawing on decadent culms and certain ant and rodent species may harvest the seed. 这些都不是, 然而, will reduce or completely eliminate buffelgrass populations quickly enough to prevent infestations that increase the fire potential and associated risks to ecosystems and populated areas.

只要你按照标签上的说明使用除草剂, 对野生动物和宠物的危险很小. 如果你的宠物不小心注射了除草剂, check the label for specific instructions and notify poison control immediately.

You may purchase glyphosate-containing herbicides (Roundup® or the generic equivalent) and herbicide dyes at most hardware stores or at agricultural supply outlets. 在亚利桑那州,有两家这样的商店是Fertizona和United Agri Products. 价格因产品品牌和浓度而异. A quality backpack sprayer can be purchased from forestry suppliers online or locally. 预计支付约150美元.00美元的喷雾器可以使用一个多季节.

没有有机除草剂. All herbicides that are commercially available must go through rigorous testing and they have been approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for application 利率 provided on the herbicide label. It is always recommended that the labeling instructions be closely followed for all applications.


是的. 最常见和分布最广的是水草(Pennisetum setaceum)。, 非洲蜱草(Eragrostis echinochloidea), 莱曼草(leragrostis lehmanniana), 生草(Melinis repens), 克氏蓝茎, 和软羽麻草(Enneapogon cenchroides).

黄草是世界各地亚热带地区的入侵植物, 包括德州, 夏威夷, 墨西哥, 南美, 澳大利亚, 和加勒比群岛等等.

The environmental and economic cost of inaction will dwarf the cost of active mitigation and control, 即使考虑到水牛草永远不会被完全根除.
